Carmen Ballvé

Photographer. Her work has appeared in major Spanish newspapers and magazines and been exhibited in and outside Spain. Notable among her projects is Batey, on Haitian sugar plantation workers, which was shown in London and Edinburgh. Her collaboration with the American nonprofit organisation The Denan Project has taken her to Ethiopia, Peru, and Mongolia. A project in Tanzania led to the publication of Acaba cuando llego, which was awarded first prize for the best art book in 2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. La mirada cercana was recently on display at the Museo San Telmo in San Sebastián.

Untitled, 2022

Photogravure with chine collé on 300-gram Arches paper

400 × 300 mm
Plate: 21 × 27 mm; sheet: 400 × 300 mm

Ogami Press, Madrid

Luis Vallejo Landscape Studio

Limited edition

Presented in portfolio. Certificate of authenticity signed and numbered by the artist and the printer.